Saturday, March 20, 2010

3.22.2010 It's Official!

It's official, Leighton will be arriving in 2 days on March 22! Yesterday, my OB gave me the option of being induced on Monday. I've been experiencing prodromal labor for the last 2 weeks that has continuously worsened.... This involves labor like cramping & contractions, severe tightening of the uterus which prevents me from sleeping (braxton hicks contractions on steriods), and insane pressure on my bladder. It's very rare to affect people to this degree, so I am one of the lucky few! It's worsened since Wednesday, and the dr said today I am 3 cm dilated and a little over 50% effaced. He considers 4 cm being in active labor, so I am very close. He gave us the option to wait it out another week to my DD of March 29, or move forward and try to induce at 39 weeks, which is Monday.

I was very torn about what to do, so Jason and I went to lunch and discussed all of the pros and cons. We decided that moving forward with the induction is the best option for us given my conditions, and the timing is perfect as he has final exams starting the week of the 29th. I prayed about it alot and feel at peace with our decision. I am going into this confident and positive, and know that we are in the Lord's hands and he will ensure we have a safe and healthy delivery and baby! Everyone I talk to says they that before birth, they were so caught up in their 'birth plan' and wanting the 'perfect delivery' just as they imagined... but once the baby arrives, the delivery means nothing, and the baby overshadows everything else. We are looking at this as a means to an end, and our main focus is making sure LG is happy and healthy!

PS-Dr Crone thinks she is anywhere from 6 1/2 to 7 lbs, a healthy little bundle:)

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