At 11 months old, she:
- Now refuses to let me feed her with a spoon! I was pureeing all of her veggies, and now I am having to cook, then dice them. Needless to say, it's been a challenge to get her to eat them :( We've tried lima beans, green beans, corn, carrots, and she just isn't into them :( She is a super healthy eater otherwise, but I guess she inherited my dislike of most cooked veggies!
- She's still a meat and cheese girl, still by far her favorites! She also loves watermelon, pears, and mandarin oranges... Definitely got my love of fruit! Sidenote: You will know if she likes a specific food, when she proclaims "MMMMM!" loudly while eating it! Love it!
- She knows how to get into the cabinet where the dog treats are, reach in, take one, and feed it to the dog! It is so precious, and reminds me that she watches EVERYTHING we do and will eventually mimic all of our actions... Eeeekk!
- She is walking well with her push toy, standing well by herself (on average for 10-20 seconds at a time), but has yet to take an actual step... She has let us know she would not like our help, and will walk on her own when she's good and ready! And guess what... it's just fine with me :)
- She can speak the words "dada","mama", "dog", "hi", and "bye bye".
- We have started to give her coconut water in her sippy cup (I have a weird thing about giving her juice, just don't think it's that good for them), and she loves it! We've also started to give her some organic cow's milk mixed in with her formula, and she has tolerated it very well.
- She is a great little sidekick to Jason and I! She does so well in public places such as stores, restaurants, etc. She loves to go out to eat with us, and we always let her try whatever we are eating which she LOVES! Daddy took his girls on a fun date night at Zapata on Saturday night, and she got to try fried cheese, Mmmm!
- She loves her well... her loveys! There is a specific soft bunny blanket someone and a small soft blankey I received at one of my showers, and she snuggles with them all night.
- She can now actually 'give' kisses on the mouth, and also knows how to blow kisses :)